FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia

FAO promotes the exchange of scientific research and technical knowledge related to all aspects of food and agriculture. This knowledge sharing promotes accessibility of scientific information and digital data in food and agriculture. Additionally it supports FAO’s work for a world free of hunger, malnutrition and poverty, and also contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Knowledge Sharing

Regional Technical Platform on Green Agriculture

Agrifood systems contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and are at the same time extremely vulnerable to climate change. Without urgent action, climate change will continue to put food production at risk, particularly in countries and regions that are already highly food insecure.

Recent IPCC report with high confidence confirms that observed climate change is already affecting food security through increasing temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, and greater frequency of some extreme events. It also underlines that food security will be increasingly affected by projected future climate change.

To respond to these intrinsically interconnected challenges, FAO is significantly increasing the scale and scope of its work, in line with the EU Green Deal and the Farm to Fork Strategy at the regional level.

The main objective and driving force for establishing a Regional Technical Platform on Green Agriculture in Europe and Central Asia is to facilitate the sharing of knowledge within the region and among other regions on the various areas of green agriculture, with the involvement of international, national and local development partners, building on good experiences and enhancing regional and interregional collaboration.

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 AgriTech Observatory
The AgriTech Observatory is a virtual space where users navigate through the realm of digital agriculture initiatives across Europe and Central Asia. Practitioners, innovators, policymakers, researchers, and other stakeholders can investigate agritech solutions, good practices, policies, projects, and various resources. As a knowledge hub, the observatory can aid in monitoring digital agriculture developments, performing regional and country level analyses, informing policy making and programmes, and guiding investment decisions.

Established by the FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia, the AgriTech Observatory is the first of its kind dedicated to the countries in this region. Within the Observatory's virtual space, users can explore the ever-changing landscape of digital agriculture through interactive filters, a map, and analytics, delving into a wealth of information tailored to their needs. Each initiative is thoroughly described with details of its purposes, technology, thematic area of application, and more, allowing the users to navigate through hundreds of digital agriculture undertakings across the region and beyond.


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