Third Regional workshop on integrated community development
Budapest (Hungary), 06/06/2023 - 08/06/2023

Rural communities, smallholders, and family farmers in Eastern Europe and Central Asia face several complex development constraints and problems. To accelerate the development of rural areas, contribute to rural transformation and poverty reduction in an inclusive manner, FAO promotes an integrated and cross-sectoral approach in the region.
As part of the FAO Regional Initiative on empowering smallholders, family farms, and youth, FAO organized the first regional workshop on integrated community development in 2019, during which an informal regional technical network on community development was established. FAO will organize the 3rd regional workshop on integrated community development on 6-8 June 2023 in Budapest. On the first day a field visit near Budapest will be organized where good practices on rural development will be showcased and discussed. The workshop aims at further developing the network and strengthen partnerships with key regional and national partners, including governments, civil society, academia, private sector, and international organizations.
The workshop will:
- Present the main results of the FAO study on Good practices on integrated community development and territorial approaches in Europe and Central Asia, discuss its recommendations and validate the study;
- Present and discuss different approaches, practical experiences and lessons learnt in local rural development;
- Discuss policy options for supporting the development of rural communities in the region with special focus on rural youth;
- Discuss country needs and support provided at policy level for local rural development;
- Raise awareness on the resilience of family farming and the situation of rural youth;
- Showcase country experiences on local rural development, including the EU LEADER approach for non-EU countries;
- Continue the development of the technical network on community development and contribute to the establishment of new partnerships.
The workshop will be held in English with simultaneous interpretation in Russian.
The registration for self-funded participants will be open until 28 May.