African swine fever management in wild boar – Surveillance and prevention of transmission to/from domestic pigs
Hybrid Event, 22/11/2017 - 23/11/2017

The ASF epidemic has been spreading throughout the Caucasus and Eastern Europe since its entry from Africa into Georgia in 2007. The disease spread quickly throughout the Caucasus and into the Russian Federation (2007). Over the past years, the disease has progressively spread westwards, entering Ukraine (2012), Belarus (2013), the European Union (Lithuania, Poland, Latvia and Estonia, 2014), Moldova (2016), the Czech Republic and Romania (2017), materializing the threat of ASF to the rest of Europe in what is probably the biggest animal health issue in the continent due to its trade disruption and significant damage on small-scale pig farmers. Particularly in the EU, wild boar have been proved to play the main role in ASF infection, spread and maintenance. Although not completely understood, transmission seems to depend largely on the population density of wild boar and their interaction with low-biosecurity pig production.
Veterinary services are usually not well prepared and experienced when dealing with diseases in wildlife. Therefore, proper understanding and coordination with wildlife/forestry authorities is one of the major factors for successful control of ASF. The workshop brought together veterinary specialists (from state veterinary services) and wild boar specialists (from wildlife-responsible authorities) from affected and at risk countries. The workshop was planned as a combination of theoretical classes and group discussions with field activities to demonstrate some of the key operations related to AFS control in wild boar and to discuss and learn about how to best manage ASF in wild boar.
Organisers: FAO, Lithuanian SFVS, and the Veterinary Academy LUHS, under the umbrella of the Global Framework for the Progressive Control of Transboundary Animal Diseases (GF-TADs)
Organisers: FAO, Lithuanian SFVS, and the Veterinary Academy LUHS, under the umbrella of the Global Framework for the Progressive Control of Transboundary Animal Diseases (GF-TADs)
Language: English with simultaneous translation to Russian
• To discuss and learn up to date epidemiology of ASF in Europe
• To discuss learn the basis of animal health management in wild boar
• To discuss and learn in the field about hunting biosecurity, sampling and carcass disposal.
• FAO-sponsored*: Belarus, Moldova, Russian Federation and Ukraine
• Self-sponsored*: Bulgaria, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Latvia and Lithuania
• Representatives from FAO, World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), European Commission DG SANTE, and the Federation of Associations for Hunting and Conservations of the EU (FACE)
Two participants per country (one wild boar expert and an ASF expert from the veterinary services)
During day 1, a series of technical presentations took place together with discussion sessions, covering FAO activities on ASF in the region (by DB); ASF international legislation; Wild boar biology and behaviour; Epidemiology of ASF in wild boar in Europe; ASF in wild boar in Lithuania; Available tools for the prevention and control of diseases in wildlife, with focus on ASF in wild boar in infected country: hunting and feeding strategies; How to prevent transmission to/from domestic pigs; Wild boar surveillance and how to improve reporting; and Available tools for the prevention and control of diseases in wildlife, with focus on ASF in wild boar in infected country: hunting biosecurity and wild boar carcass disposal.
Day 2 was a field day at the VI Kauno Miškų Urėdija hunting ground. Two wild boar (shot on preceding evening) were utilized to demonstrate hunting biosecurity, proper dressing and sampling, presentation of a hunting lodge in terms of biosecurity, wild boar dressing facilities, sampling and collection of appropriate samples and data, management of samples, storage, sending to Laboratory services, storage of animals while waiting ASF testing results. During the afternoon of day 2, participating countries had the chance to present their current ASF situation with a focus on the health management approaches related to wild boar.
FAO’s support to the region on ASF surveillance and management
Daniel Beltran-Alcrudo, Animal Health Officer, FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia
Поддержка ФАО региона по надзору и противодействию АЧС
Даниэль Белтран-Алкрудо, Сотрудник по Охране Здоровья Животных, ФАО Региональный Офис по Европе и Центральной Азии
ASF international legislation
Marius Masiulis, FAO international consultant, State Food and Veterinary Service of Lithuania
Международное законодательство по АЧС
Мариус Масиулис, Международный консультант ФАО, Государственная Продовольственная и Ветеринарная Служба Литвы
Wild boar ecology, behaviour and population management
Preventing contagious diseases in Lithuania
Olgirda Belova, Institute of Forestry LAMMC
Экология, поведение и регулирование популяции дикого кабана для профилактики инфекционных заболеваний в Литве
Olgirda Belova, Institute of Forestry LAMMC
Epidemiology of ASF in wild boar
Vittorio Guberti, FAO Consultant, FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia
Эпидемиология ачс У дикого кабана
Витторио Губерти, Консультант ФАО, ФАО Региональный Офис по Европе и Центральной Азии
African Swine Fever in wild boar in Lithuania
Arunas Stankevicius, National Food and Veterinary Risk Assessment Institute, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
Африканская чума свиней у дикого кабана Литве
Арунас Станкевичиус, Литовский университет медицинских наук
Available tools for the prevention and control of diseases in wildlife, with focus on ASF in wild boar in infected country: hunting and feeding strategies
Marius Masiulis, FAO international consultant, State Food and Veterinary Service of Lithuania
Имеющиеся инструменты по профилактике и контролю заболеваний в дикой природе, с фокусом на АЧС у дикого кабана в инфицированной стране: стратегии охоты и кормления
Мариус Масиулис, Международный консультант ФАО, Государственная Продовольственная и Ветеринарная Служба Литвы
How to prevent transmission to/from domestic pigs
Marius Masiulis, FAO international consultant, State Food and Veterinary Service of Lithuania
Как предотвратить передачу домашним свиньям и от них
Мариус Масиулис, Международный консультант ФАО, Государственная Продовольственная и Ветеринарная Служба Литвы
Wild boar surveillance and how improve reporting
Vittorio Guberti, FAO Consultant, FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia
Надзор за Диким кабаном и как улучшить отчётность
Витторио Губерти, Консультант ФАО, ФАО Региональный Офис по Европе и Центральной Азии
Available tools for the prevention and control of diseases in wildlife, with focus on ASF in wild boar in infected country: hunting biosecurity and wild boar carcass disposal
Marius Masiulis, FAO international consultant, State Food and Veterinary Service of Lithuania
Доступные средства и методы профилактики и контроля над заболеваниями в дикой природе, с фокусом на АЧС у дикого кабана в инфицированной стране: биобезопасность охоты и уничтожение останков дикого кабана
Мариус Масиулис, Международный консультант ФАО, Государственная Продовольственная и Ветеринарная Служба Литвы
Biosecurity during hunting, carcass disposal and population management
Vittorio Guberti, FAO Consultant, FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia
Биобезопасность во время охоты, уничтожения туш и регулирование популяции
Витторио Губерти, Консультант ФАО, ФАО Региональный Офис по Европе и Центральной Азии
Country presentaions - Презентация стран