Emergencies, their impact on livestock-related livelihoods and the emergency response (08/12/2021)
Hybrid Event, 08/12/2021
Natural and man-made disasters occur in various forms, and all of them can severely affect people’s livelihoods through loss of assets, including livestock. In emergency situations, specific livestock-targeted interventions are needed to help households survive the immediate crisis and to support communities in recovery.
To ensure a more rapid and appropriate response, and enhance efficiency of the preparedness measures across Europe and Central Asia, FAO and Livestock Emergency Guidelines & Standards (LEGS) developed a four-part training programme on livestock related emergencies.
The webinars provide up-to-date and relevant knowledge for representatives of national governments, non-governmental organizations, and extension services in Eastern-Europe and Central Asia.
After registering, you will be enrolled for all four webinars in the series.
Kindly note that English-Russian interpretation will be provided. Attendees, who join all four webinars in the series, will receive a certificate.
Marie Audren, Director General, Hotrec
Tülay Özel, Head of Quality Assurance, METRO Turkey
Roshith Rajan, Head of Global Food Waste Sustainability, Sodexo
David Jackson, Director of Marketing and Public Affairs, Winnow Solutions
Nikita Poderyagin, Chef, Bjorn restaurant
Richard Swannell, International Director, WRAP
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