FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia

Preparatory Joint meeting of Symposium’s Advisory Panel and Technical Task Team

Hybrid Event, 14/07/2017

The FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia is lead organizer, in collaboration with WHO, WFP and UNICEF, of a joint Regional Symposium on Sustainable Food Systems for Healthy Diets and Improved Nutrition to be implemented as a 2-day region-wide event on 4-5 December 2017, for 200-250 participants from EU countries, non-EU countries in European region and Central Asia, representing various sectors - agriculture, health, social protection, education, finance, academia, research, parliamentarians, private sector, civil society. The Symposium format will consist of plenary lectures, followed by Q/A session, and a number of interactive parallel sessions in the format of expert panel discussion, market places, experiences and good practices exchange spots, open technical areas meant to facilitate extensive interaction among participants.

The recommendations from the Regional Symposium will feed into the FAO Regional Conference 2018 and inform the governing bodies of co-organizing UN Agencies to be considered in regional and country-level work planning, policies, programmes, investments.



Mirjana Gurinovic
Symposium Coordinator

Eleonora Dupouy
Food Safety and Consumer Protection Officer, 
REU Symposium Focal Point

Aniko Nemeth
Food Safety and Nutrition Junior Technical Officer