Promotion of the Consumption of Organic, Traditional Products and those with Geographical Indications of Albania
Hybrid Event, 08/09/2019

FAO, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Albania and Slow Food International jointly organized a pilot event of the programme “Promotion of the Consumption of Organic, Traditional Products and those with Geographical Indicatons of Albania”. The event aimed to promote the local producers and farmers, as well as traditional products to a wider audience.
As Mr Altin Prenga -owner of Mrizi I Zanave- pointed out that local farmers have a key role in the promotion of the traditional goods and culture. Local ingredients, most of which are organic and produced with a native know-how are what make the foods and products unique.
The mayor of Lezhë, Mr Pjerin Ndreu, thanked FAO, Slow Food and Mrizi i Zanave for their help in promoting the local gastronomy, which leads to greater tourism in the region. As Mr Ilir Halilaj mentioned, FAO’s technical assistance in the identification, evaluation and certification of the local products has notably increased producers’ income in the food supply chain. Nevertheless, Mr Dauro Zucchi from Slow Food Italia encouraged producers to unite and to create a network promoting local products.
The attendees had an opportunity to try regional foods prepared locally by the farmers in the region. With the help of VIS Albania, leaflets were handed out during the event to promote Slow Food’s Ark of Taste – a booklet displaying traditional ingredients and those with geographical indications in Albania. Games and gifts were available for the younger generation to encourage them to carry the agricultural and traditional heritage on.
“The work is not over as there are still many products with a potential to be marked with Geographical Indications,” said Mr Arjan Jauplarri from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Albania.