Regional workshop on the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement impact on agrifood trade
Hybrid Event, 30/05/2017 - 01/06/2017

FAO organized a workshop, where the impact of WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement on the agrifood trade and the regional strategy for facilitation and improvement of agricultural trade was discussed. This workshop brought together representatives of FAO, UNECE, WTO, international experts, representatives of governments and private sector from East European and Central Asian countries to enhance the understanding of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement, promote dialogue on agricultural trade facilitation policy issues and support broader capacity development in this area. The experts addressed border control and customs procedures, international regulation for export and import of agriproducts as well as e-certification. The event aimed at allowing government officials to share their practical experience. In addition, the participants visited grain terminals of Odessa seaport and an “Agro-logistics” exposition.
- Measures to facilitate international trade –Kazakhstan (in Russian)
- WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement – Belarus (in Russian)
- Trade Facilitation in the Kyrgyz Republic (in Russian)
- Customs Reforms of Georgia (in Russian)
- WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement and Trade in Agricultural Products – Armenia (in Russian)
- WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement – Ukraine (in Russian)
- Automation of procedures in agricultural trade – WTO
- Electronic sanitary and phytosanitary certification in agricultural trade – WTO
- Trade facilitation and certification in the agriculture supply chain – UNECE
- Promising initiatives on trade facilitation agreement of the WTO – UNECE
- International legal instruments governing agricultural trade – WTO