FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia

Packaging as a means to reduce food loss and waste

Virtual Event, 12/10/2023

9:30 – 11:30 CET


Packaging is essential to sustainability of our food systems. By preserving food quality and safety and providing sufficient and easy to understand information on product origin, use, storage requirements and tips, date marking, cooking advice, etc. packaging helps people to make viable food choices, which in turn decreases wasteful behaviour. On the other hand, the actions by food business operators and regulatory authorities on these topic can also have an impact on food waste in supply chains management.

At this webinar, we will focus on the ways packaging can help prevent and reduce food waste – from the measures that the packaging industry can take to the improvements in date marking and on-pack messages that regulators and food processors might introduce as a means to prevent food waste in retail and households.

The invited speakers, including industry experts, researchers, and policy makers, will present cases and debate about the perception and use of packaging and on-pack messages and visual cues by consumers and food supply chain actors and how this plays a role in food waste generation, how policy makers and food companies can address food loss and waste by tailoring packaging solutions to the behaviour, needs, and expectations of consumers and food supply chain actors, while observing food safety rules.



  • Nerida Kelton, Vice President – Sustainability & Save Food, World Packaging Organisation (WPO)
  • Hilke Bos-Brouwers, Senior Scientist & Project Leader Sustainability, Wageningen Food & Biobased Research (WUR)
  • Anne Marie Schrøder, Head of Communications, Matvett
  • Tony McElroy, Head of Campaigns: Sustainability, Circularity and Food Waste, Tesco
  • Sandra Hallaschka, Project Lead, and Marcelle Reichert, Head of External Affairs, SIG Foundation