Regional Rural Youth Forum for Europe and Central Asia
Budapest (Hungary), Hybrid Event, 29/11/2023 - 30/11/2023

Rural youth in Europe and Central Asia (ECA) face several challenges, including access to knowledge, training, natural resources, in particular land, as well as financial resources. They also have limited access to markets, decent employment opportunities, engagement in policy processes, and much more.
In this regard, the FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia intends to further mainstream rural youth in its work programme and enhance the focus on supporting rural youth both at regional and country levels.
To better coordinate the youth-related work and processes in the ECA region, under the Regional Priority Programme on Empowering smallholders, family farms and youth, facilitating rural livelihoods and poverty reduction, FAO organizes the Regional Rural Youth Forum for Europe and Central Asia.
The two-day forum will be held in Budapest in a hybrid format with an aim to:
- Obtain information from rural youth actors regarding the situation, challenges and pathways of rural youth in the European and Central Asia region.
- Provide a platform for exchange among youth actors, policy makers and representatives of international partners in the region.
- Raise awareness on the situation and the needs of rural youth as well as on the importance of generational sustainability of family farming.
- Showcase the possible role of youth in the agriculture and food system transformation.
- Discuss policy options to empower youth to ensure equitable agrifood livelihoods and sustainable rural development; and
- Establish or further enhance partnerships among governments, civil society, academia, private sector and international organizations with interest on rural youth and young farmers.