FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia

Albania steps forward to cut greenhouse gas emissions and meet global climate goals


FAO is supporting the Government of Albania define and implement its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement, particularly in the agriculture, forestry and other land use sector. FAO has already started to visit schools, farms, and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Tirana and other regions affected by climate-related shocks to raise awareness of climate-change impacts, as well as climate actions that everyone can practise daily to mitigate environmental impacts and adapt to the changing environment.

The first activity was held last week at Hope for the World, an NGO in Marikaj, Durrёs, that offers residential support to orphaned children. From time to time, these children engage in volunteer activities such as community gardening, or helping out at Food Bank Albania. FAO, in collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism and Environment, will also conduct a series of visits and activities for smallholder farmers to introduce them good practices and options for organic farming.  

NDCs are national carbon-cutting targets under the Paris Agreement, which countries are required to revise every five years – in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, limit Earth’s temperature rise, and implement solutions to adapt to the effects of climate change. This presents countries with significant opportunities to align their climate and development agendas and to promote sustainable growth. It also presents challenges in mainstreaming these goals into existing policies and operations, and in mobilizing scaled-up domestic and international resources.

Through the Technical Assistance Fund of the NDC Partnership’s Climate Action Enhancement Package, FAO provides technical support in reviewing and analysing mitigation and adaptation targets, and policy options, for the agriculture, forestry and other land use sector in Albania. It also carries out training and capacity building for national partners and decision makers. The project aims not only to support the Government of Albania develop more ambitious NDCs and speed up with implementation, it also strives to increase the likelihood of behavioural change through awareness-raising campaigning.

“The agriculture, forestry, fisheries, wetland, and ecosystems sectors play an important role in building the resilience of society and the country at large to climate change,” said Arben Kipi, Assistant FAO Representative in Albania. “By interacting with the public, particularly the younger generation and smallholder farmers in the affected area, the awareness campaign will encourage and empower them to challenge current behaviour, tackle barriers to action, and encourage the families and communities involved to make a public commitment.”

10 June 2021, Tirana, Albania