FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia

Berlin event to explore what water means for the future of food


Every January for nearly a decade now, Berlin has been the place to be for key players in the world of agriculture. High-level decision makers, technical experts, researchers and farmers come together to discuss pressing issues affecting agriculture worldwide.

This year, the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture, organized by the German Federal Ministry for Food and Agriculture (BMEL), has as its overarching theme “Agriculture and Water – Key to Feeding the World.” An organizing partner of the Forum, FAO is taking the lead on these events:

19 January Thursday
15:30-17:30 | Expert panel discussion | How can wastewater contribute to food security?
Tapping an overlooked disregarded resource: wastewater. With increasing competition for water, how can agriculture be assured of continued access to this essential resource and provide enough food for a growing population? As the largest water user, how can the agriculture sector play its part in the sustainable stewardship of this valuable resource? What is the potential for utilizing wastewater in producing food? Experts from different regions of the world will discuss the status of wastewater application in agriculture, challenges to be addressed, the relationship to food security, relevance to the globally accepted Sustainable Development Goals, and how to move forward in this area.
More information: www.gffa-berlin.de/en/fachpodium1-2017/
Venue: CityCube Berlin, Level 3, Room M2/M3

20 January Friday
9:00-17:00 | Cooperation market | FAO stand
FAO’s stand at this one-day event is typically abuzz with conversation – about how associations, companies, research institutions, government agencies and individuals can cooperate with FAO. This year, the Organization’s stand features the 2030 Agenda / Sustainable Development Goals, and how FAO is working with countries around the world to help them achieve their goals.
More information: www.gffa-berlin.de/en/programmuebersicht-2017/kooperationsboerse-2/
Venue: CityCube Berlin, Room A7-A8

14:00-16:00 | High-level panel | Agricultural leadership in a water-scarce world
FAO's high-level session will focus on the issue of agricultural leadership in a water-scarce world. In 2016, the World Economic Forum ranked water crises as the risk of highest concern for the coming 10 years – with significant implications for people and the global economy. Representatives of governments (Chile, Morocco) and international organizations (World Meteorological Organisation, Water Resources Group) will share their experience and views on how to deal with water scarcity in sustainable food and agriculture systems.
FAO director-general José Graziano da Silva will deliver the opening speech.
More information: www.gffa-berlin.de/en/programmuebersicht-2017/high-level-panels/
Venue: CityCube Berlin, Hall 1

Other events organized in cooperation with FAO
19 January 15:30-17:30 | Expert panel discussion | Blue Planet Berlin Water Dialogues
Speaker: Giovanni Munoz, lead technical officer on water management with FAO’s Investment Center.
Focus: Scenario planning as tool for the analysis of the Water-Land-Energy Nexus
More information: www.gffa-berlin.de/en/fachpodium5-2017/
Venue: CityCube Berlin, Level 3, Room M6/M7

20 January 10:00-12:00 | Expert panel discussion | Integrated land and water management
Speaker: Unver Olcay, deputy director, FAO Land and Water Division
More information: www.gffa-berlin.de/en/fachpodium7-2017/
Venue: CityCube Berlin, Level 3, Room M4/M5

Please note that all events are open to the public but require prior registration – at no cost through the official website of the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture.

11 January 2017, Budapest, Hungary