FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia

Moldova moves towards improved planning, monitoring of forests


FAO project will provide technical assistance to Moldovan authorities for conducting the first National Forest Inventory

Forests are important strategic natural and renewable resources for Republic of Moldova, with the potential to positively contribute to the national economic development and the welfare of its citizens. As a result of changes in society in recent years – in the structure of the national economy as well as in the legislative framework – the imperative need for a nationwide inventory of forests has appeared.

Decision-makers from multiple state agencies of Republic of Moldova are assessing the information needs of the country’s forestry sector in an FAO workshop today, kicking off the activities of a new project aimed at developing the country’s institutional capacity in preparation for the first National Forest Inventory.

The workshop is being attended by 35 participants from Moldsilva Agency; the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment; the Forestry Research Institute; the National Bureau of Statistics; the Environment Agency; and other relevant institutions and non-governmental organizations.

During the event, participants will highlight the responsibilities and involvement of various national institutions in developing the inventory in the coming years.

“The improved system of planning and monitoring of forest resources will contribute significantly to sustainable forest management, rural development and biodiversity conservation,” said Tudor Robu, Assistant FAO Representative in Republic of Moldova.

Robu underlined that the development of a first National Forest Inventory is also in line with the country’s international commitments to sustainable development and the green economy.

The inventory will provide data for reporting to international conventions such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Convention on Biological Diversity and bodies such as FAO and the Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe. This data will enable the development of a countrywide forest strategy, policy and programmes and will establish a baseline for future forest assessment and monitoring work in Republic of Moldova.

The inventory will provide data on carbon stocks in forest ecosystems, in accordance with the provisions of the Kyoto Protocol, as well as data on the biological diversity of forests in the country.

Forests play a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance and preserving biodiversity and protecting the landscape, water and river basins, said Norbert Winkler-Ráthonyi, an FAO forestry officer. He added that good management of forests helps combat desertification and prevent and reduce land and soil degradation and the risk of natural disasters. Good forest management also helps mitigate the impacts of climate change on food and energy security.

According to the National Bureau of Statistics in 2018, 13.7 percent of the country’s total area, or 462 700 ha, were covered by land in the forestry fund and forest vegetation outside the fund. The forest fund itself comprises an area of 419 200 ha, out of which 374 800 ha are forests (accounting for 0.086 ha of forests per person). Most lands covered by forests are state-owned (87.2 percent), with 12.2 percent of land held by local public administration and 0.6 percent by private owners.

The FAO project is part of the Regional Initiative on the sustainable management of natural resources under a changing climate and of the Country Programming Framework in Republic of Moldova for 2016–2019.

11 June, Chisinau, Moldova