FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia

North Macedonia, FAO work to ease Green Climate Fund investments


For effective investments in climate change adaptation and mitigation, the Green Climate Fund (GCF) represents a new partner for North Macedonia. To successfully engage with the Fund, strong institutional framework, active engagement and in-country coordination would be required.

FAO convened today in Mavrovo around 50 representatives of government institutions, ministries, academia, civil society, the private sector and international organizations to discuss the country’s engagement with the Green Climate Fund.

Carmen Arguello, FAO project coordinator called this “a very important step in the growing partnership between national partners in North Macedonia and the Green Climate Fund, to create an enabling environment for enhanced country ownership and access to climate finance.”

“The engagement with the Green Climate Fund through the readiness support facilitates the country to consolidate its efforts to have national and global impact and streamline a sustainable and green aspect to its economic development,” stressed Olimpija Hristova Zaevska, adviser for international development and cooperation to the Prime Minister, at the opening of the workshop. “Furthermore, it helps different stakeholders that work on climate change to recognize the inteconnectedness of the issue and the importance of working closely and transparently together.”

This is the second national consultation event organized within the first GCF readiness and preparatory support project in North Macedonia – implemented by FAO under the leadership of the Cabinet of the Deputy President of the Government in charge of economic affairs, in its role as National Designated Authority to the Green Climate Fund.

In this context, FAO experts have supported the National Designated Authority to the GCF in analysing the existing institutional arrangements, including the structure of all national bodies, committees and councils related to sustainable development, financing and climate change. Based on the analysis, a draft proposal for a future national coordination mechanism for decision-making on GCF matters has been developed. Workshop participant will discuss the mechanism, the relevant bodies to be included, and their roles and responsibilities.

A compehensive analysis of the key Macedonian climate-related strategic documents has identified energy, transport, water resources, agriculture, waste, biodiversity, health, forestry, and cultural heritage as priority sectors for climate action in the country. At today’s event, partners will also learn how to identify project ideas with measurable impacts in these priority sectors, aligned with other national priorities and ongoing efforts, that are eligible for GCF funding.

Under the readiness and preparatory support programme, the Government of North Macedonia will be able to create a Country Work Programme for the Fund. Aligned with national priorities, it should call for bold climate action to stimulate concrete solutions that lower emissions and help build resilience in priority sectors.

12 July 2019, Mavrovo, North Macedonia