FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia

FAO promotes science and innovation for greener agrifood systems

©FAO/Cristiano Minichiello


Recent global events have thrown a spotlight on the urgency for more sustainable, resilient, and inclusive agrifood systems and have also shown us possible holistic and inter-linked approaches to a greener and more food secure future for all. Greening agriculture provides a pathway to come closer to this goal.

To accelerate the progress towards the transformation of our agrifood systems, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is today convening a virtual meeting of country representatives and experts from Europe and Central Asia. Participants will discuss main scientific findings from the region and the role of science and innovation in greening the agriculture sector.

Green agriculture and the application of a green agenda in agrifood system policies involves the good management of natural resources, biodiversity and ecosystem services while building sustainable and resilient agroecosystems capable of tackling current and future challenges. Green agriculture is a fundamental approach for sustainable agri-food systems. It is at the crossroads of the three dimensions of sustainability – economic, environmental, and social – and contributes to the achievement of several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

“We all know the potential of green agricultural practices in agrifood systems, yet there hasn’t been enough scientific research conducted on applying these, neither is any coordination mechanism in place,” said Marta Arnes Garcia. FAO expert on nature-based solutions. “To reflect on this need is an emerging part of our work and will also be considered in the FAO action plan on science and innovation, currently in development.”

In Europe and Central Asia, FAO is partnering with several research groups to explore the potential of new technologies, and to transform innovative ideas into action. In the context of these collaborations, meeting participants will hear of high-quality scientific evidence on the effectiveness and application of green practices and its science and innovation aspects in Europe and Central Asia. This knowledge exchange can contribute to the basis of national policies on green agriculture in the region.

In this regard, the Group of Agroecology (Land Lab, Center of Plant Sciences) of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna will present the results of a joint study on setting up and supporting the promotion of the green agriculture concept and partnerships in the Europe and Central Asia region, followed by a presentation of the joint work with Gesplan and Sylvanet Research Groups of the Polytechnic University of Madrid on science and innovation in the green agriculture.

Earlier this year, FAO launched the Regional Technical Platform on Green Agriculture to facilitate the sharing of knowledge within the region and among other regions on the various areas of green agriculture, with the involvement of international, national and local development partners, building on good experiences and enhancing regional and interregional collaboration. The platform represents the overall umbrella framework to today’s event.

“The task ahead of us is great: we need to transform the sector that provides our food, yet which has a big environmental footprint – agriculture. And science and innovation can aide us along the road,” Arnes Garcia added.

14 December 2022, Budapest, Hungary