FAO emergencies and resilience


The Central African Republic has been experiencing a complex humanitarian crisis since the outbreak of the armed conflict in 2013. Population displacement and violence in an already fragile context have seriously affected the food security of vulnerable populations.


A combination of severe flooding, dry spells, insecurity, disease and pests, the economic crisis, the effects of COVID-19, limited access to basic services and the cumulative effects of prolonged asset depletion and loss of livelihoods continues to drive food insecurity across South Sudan.


Since 2016, Somalia has faced climate shocks for eight back-to-back agricultural seasons. From drought to floods and cyclones, these have been increasingly frequent and exacerbated by plant pest outbreaks, including a recent and serious upsurge in desert locusts. This all further undermines the food security, nutrition and coping capacities of millions of already vulnerable people.


Burundi remains one of the poorest countries in the world, with severe food insecurity affecting nearly one in two households. Recurrent natural disasters and epidemic diseases have affected the livelihoods and resilience of the most vulnerable populations.


Displacement driven by conflict, inter-communal tensions and exposure to natural disasters characterize the humanitarian needs in Myanmar, particularly in Chin, Kachin, Rakhine and Shan states, where the most urgent humanitarian needs are felt. Intensified militarization and migration, and escalation of armed conflict increased risks of protection violations and sparked new and secondary displacements.


More than 80 percent of people in Ethiopia rely on agriculture and livestock for their livelihoods. Yet increasing climate disasters, poor rainfall and plant pest outbreaks have left rural communities highly vulnerable to food insecurity.


Lengthy dry spells, floods and typhoons are driving crop yield losses and reducing the availability of food.


The humanitarian situation in Chad has worsened during the past year mainly due to repeated attacks by armed groups, inter-community conflict over natural resources and climate-related shocks,


Cameroon remains affected by three major crises, namely the Boko Haram insurgency in the Far North, the Central African refugees in the eastern part of the country, and the crisis in the North-West and South-West regions.


The deterioration of the security situation in the Centre-North, East, North, Boucle of Mouhoun and Sahel regions in Burkina Faso has led to an unprecedented humanitarian crisis with an exponential increase in the number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) throughout 2019.


The Niger faces multiple shocks such as increased insecurity, drought, floods and epidemic diseases, which add to the country’s underdevelopment


The humanitarian situation in Palestine continues to be characterized by prolonged restrictions on access to natural resources, movement of goods and people, and limited production capacities.


The humanitarian situation in Afghanistan is characterized by a long running conflict and increasing natural disasters, occurring in the backdrop of declining economic conditions due to erosion of livelihoods and employment opportunities.


In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, rural populations are the most affected by recurrent shocks.


Ten years into the conflict, the humanitarian crisis in Nigeria’s Adamawa, Borno and Yobe States remains one of the most severe in the world with the third highest level of internal displacement in Africa.


With the crisis now approaching its tenth year, humanitarian needs are expected to remain high in 2020. This is due to ongoing insecurity, multiple displacements, spontaneous returns, lost livelihoods and productive assets, high prices and limited economic opportunities.


Humanitarian needs in the Sudan continue to climb one year after civil unrest and socio-political change. The impact of conflict, recurrent climatic shocks, resulting displacement and a worsening economic crisis are threatening livelihoods and aggravating food insecurity.


Throughout 2019, Haiti was marked by major natural disasters that add to the effects of those experienced during the past ten years, the cholera epidemic, and the deteriorating socio-political and economic situation.


This seventh FAO/WFP update to the UNSC covers five countries (Afghanistan, the Central African Republic, Haiti, Somalia and South Sudan) and two regions (the Lake Chad Basin and central Sahel) that are currently experiencing protracted conflict and insecurity and in which, according to latest figures, almost 30 million people need urgent food, nutrition and livelihood assistance.


Boosting food security and social cohesion on the frontline of the migration crisis