Policy studies on rural transition

Countries in the Commonwealth of Independent States: Agricultural policy issues in the context of the World Trade Organization
Lars Brink. With the disintegration of the Soviet Union 15 new countries entered the world stage. This report examines the experience and main issues of twelve of these countries in the context of the rules and commitments in agriculture under the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Ukraine’s agricultural sector after accession to the WTO
Kobuta Iryna, Vitaliy Zhygadlo, Aleksandr Sikachyna. This country study is a part of the FAO series of case studies on assessing the impact of the WTO accession on agriculture in countries of the region.

Improving Market Access for Food: Main Provisions of the EU’s Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreements with Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia
Veronika Movchan. Exports of agriculture and food products constitutes from one fifth to one third of merchandise exports in the studied countries, with the EU being the most important trade destination. Improved market access to the EU market, tougher competition on domestic markets and legislative harmonization are generally perceived as stimulus for sectors’ modernization and growth.

Wheat production and regional food security in CIS: The case of Belarus, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan
Zvi Lerman, David Sedik, Yuliy Yusupov, Ivan Stanchin and Irina Kazakevich. Belarus, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are not significant regional grain traders. [...] However, production of wheat in the three countries has risen dramatically since 1992. This rise in production has been accomplished through huge increases in area, as well as (for Uzbekistan) significant increases in yields.