Reviews of agrifood trade policy
Review of Agricultural Trade Policies in post-Soviet Union countries 2014-15 (available in Russian)
The report reveals major differences in the structures of both agricultural trade and trade policies.
Review of Agrifood Trade Policies in the Post-Soviet Countries 2015-2016: Summary
The main economic and political factors influencing the patterns of agrifood trade in the region during 2014 generally continued to have an impact in 2015 and 2016.
Review of Agricultural Trade Policies in former Soviet Union countries 2015-16 (available in Russian)
This review is the second in a series of publications on recent developments in agricultural trade and trade policy evolution in the post-Soviet countries.
Review of Agrifood Trade Policies in the Post-Soviet countries 2016-2017 (available in Russian)
This review is the third in a series of publications on recent developments in agricultural trade and trade policy evolution in the post-Soviet countries.
National programs and strategies in support of agri-food exports in the post-Soviet countries (available in Russian)
Данный обзор посвящен различным аспектам политики постсоветских стран в области поддержки экспорта агропродовольственной продукции.
Review of Agricultural Trade Policies in the post-Soviet Countries, 2016-2017 - Summary
This is the third review in the series on agricultural trade and trade policies in the post-Soviet region prepared within the framework of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations’ (FAO) Regional Initiative on Improving Agrifood Trade and Market Integration in Europe and Central Asia.
Assessment of the possibilities for income diversification through rural crafts development
Rural crafts represent a necessary component of agriculture in which rural women play a key role. International experience demonstrates that rural crafts can make a significant contribution to the household economy and to the export potential countries.
Review of agricultural trade policies in post-Soviet countries 2017–2018
The publication presents analysis of agricultural trade policies in post-Soviet countries. The aim of the review is to monitor the latest changes in trade policies of these countries, affecting the dynamics and structure of trade.