FAO emergencies and resilience


Join us as we hear directly from a dedicated farmer who shares his inspiring journey of how FAO's Household Food and Livelihood Security programme (HFLS) has changed his cabbage farm.


Funded by the Canadian government in collaboration with the Ministry of Social Solidarity, the project supports and empowers Egyptian female smallholder farmers and unemployed women while developing infrastructure in project villages.


FAO is delivering animal fodder to 2 450 households in Gaza to safeguard surviving animals and support local production of fresh nutritious food like milk, dairy, eggs and meat amidst an imminent risk of famine.


FAO is delivering animal fodder to 2 450 households in Gaza to safeguard surviving animals and support local production of fresh nutritious food like milk, dairy, eggs and meat amidst an imminent risk of famine.


FAO Venezuela deployed actions in the states of Amazonas, Apure, and Sucre to "Reduce the protection risks of selected vulnerable communities through the improvement of their food and nutritional security, the rapid restoration/creation of their livelihoods and community awareness and knowledge creation, integrating gender and intersectional approaches"