FAO emergencies and resilience


In this video, explore the profound negative impact of climate change on farmers and their livelihoods.


Funded by the Government of Canada, FAO with the Ministry of Agriculture and the General Directorate of Cooperatives implemented a transformative project focused on women empowerment. It encouraged the group work with cooperatives, associations or informal groups.


The Digital Villages Initiative in Uzbekistan aims to bridge the digital divide and foster entrepreneurship in rural areas by equipping farmers from pilotvillages with digital and agri-entrepreneurship skills, among other interventions.


See how FAO is supporting women in the Turkish agrifood sector to improve their access to economic opportunities and boost their livelihoods.


In 2022, West Africa experienced some of the worst flooding on record. Millions lost their homes. Thousands lost their lives. The heavy rainfall destroyed crops on close to three million hectares of farmland and killed more than one million head of livestock in six countries alone.