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Science and innovation are key to preserve traditional agricultural systems

34th Session of FAO Regional Conference for Europe concludes discussions on agrifood systems transformation
The 34th Session of the FAO Regional Conference for Europe (ERC) ended today following four days of exchanges on the steps needed to transform agrifood systems in Europe and Central Asia.
Director-General says four-day Conference helped identify the priorities needed for FAO "to do more and better."
Members exchange experiences on key food and agriculture matters in Europe and Central Asia
The Thirty-fourth Session of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Regional Conference for Europe (ERC), scheduled from 14 to 17 May in Rome, is in full swing. This conference, which is the main FAO decision-making body for its Europe and Central Asia region, features ministerial round-table discussions and side events on current challenges and opportunities for the food and agriculture realm of the region. Hosted at FAO’s headquarters and webcast live online, the ERC side events welcome speakers from governments, the private and civil sectors, and the academic community to look at such key issues as sustainable locust management, foresight drivers and triggers, climate action, water resource management, true cost accounting, and the challenges of transforming agrifood systems in landlocked developing countries to be more inclusive, resilient and sustainable – all from a regional perspective.

FAO’s regional foresight exercise is vital to address Europe and Central Asia’s agrifood systems’ vulnerabilities

Innovation, digitalization and resilience in agrifood systems are key for Europe and Central Asia

34th Session of the FAO Regional Conference for Europe opens with focus on bolstering resilience of agrifood systems

Every drop counts: FAO support for the implementation of an electronic irrigation water monitoring system in Kyrgyzstan

A human booster for digital innovation in Tajikistan

FAO initiative transforms Albanian chestnut value chain through innovation