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Greater restoration efforts needed for Mediterranean forests
New approaches and strengthened collaboration on restoration are needed to ensure that the Mediterranean’s forest ecosystems thrive, experts from the region will hear this week as they gather for the 8th Mediterranean Forest Week (8MFW) in Barcelona, Spain.
The week, entitled “Working together for sustainable and resilient Mediterranean forests – Towards a collaborative roadmap”, is organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the European Forest Institute Mediterranean Facility (EFIMED) and the Joint Organizing Committee.

Consensus reached on land consolidation plan in Chiflik, North Macedonia

World Food Day 2024 celebrated across Europe and Central Asia

Concerted efforts pay off: Tajikistan joins Rotterdam Convention for a better environment
For more than a year, FAO has been facilitating and supporting the accession process in Tajikistan under an ongoing pesticide management and disposal project from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF) in Central Asia and Türkiye. These efforts have paid off, with the Republic of Tajikistan officially ratifying the Rotterdam Convention on 1 October 2024.

Representatives of the region’s parliaments agree on the need to improve agrifood systems

Kenjebay Mamyrov and Perizat Nadyrbekova, Kyrgyzstan

Comprehensive analysis provides in-depth assessment of agrifood systems in the Black Sea region

World Food Day: An opportunity to rethink the impacts of our daily actions

FAO: Rural women are key to building resilience in agrarian areas