FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia

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Hybrid Event, 23/11/2022

Wheat is the world’s most widely grown agricultural crop and a major food security commodity in Central and West Asia, as well as North Africa. Wheat rust diseases are a common challenge of wheat in almost all wheat-growing regions.

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Hybrid Event, 15/11/2022

Permaculture and community seeds production continue to develop dynamically in Europe and Central Asia, as well as in many parts of the world. The increased demand for locally and organically produced nutritious food and resilient seeds provides an opportunity to develop permaculture in the region and fulfil countries’ desires to support the environment, biodiversity, and family farming.

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Hybrid Event, 03/11/2022

On 3 November, an opening ceremony will be organized for the IPA III project ‘’Enhancing Land Consolidation in North Macedonia’’, while also closing the IPA II project “Mainstreaming of the National Land Consolidation Programme” (MAINLAND)

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Hybrid Event, 03/11/2022

10:30 – 13:00 CET Challenges including the COVID-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine, trade disruptions, climate change and related natural disasters, migration and displacement, inflation and rising costs of energy are compromising food security and supply-chain resilience and are driving up food prices.

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Hybrid Event, 27/10/2022

10:30-12:30 CEST. Recognizing that achieving a sustainable and food-secure future takes all actors, FAO partners with state and non-state actors, including academia and research institutions.

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Hybrid Event, 21/10/2022

Under the umbrella of the FAO-led World Food Forum (17–21 October 2022), the Government of Uzbekistan is organizing the event “Meaningful opportunities for youth: Agriculture, digital tools and innovations” at 12:30 to 14:00 p.m. CEST on 21 October. 

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Hybrid Event, 20/10/2022

12:00 – 13:30 CEST. FAO launched a series of youth consultations in December 2021, which also contributes to the regional aspirations of the World Food Forum. The first consultation was an overview session on the challenges and opportunities for rural you

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Hybrid Event, 18/10/2022

Please note that this event has been postponed. Rural youth in Europe and Central Asia offer valuable opportunities for rural development, yet they face several challenges, including hampered access to knowledge, training, natural resources (in particula

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Hybrid Event, 18/10/2022

11:00–12:45 CEST. Harnessing science, technology and innovation is key to finding solutions to complex challenges facing sustainable agrifood systems in the Europe and Central Asian region. A wide range of existing approaches, technologies, and practices

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Hybrid Event, 14/10/2022

8:00 – 9:30 a.m. CEST.   As part of its efforts to diversify the economy, it is a priority for the Government of Azerbaijan to stimulate growth in agriculture. To this end, a project funded by the European Union and implemented by FAO is supporting the d

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Hybrid Event, 14/10/2022

More than 20 partner companies will join the food convoy marking World Food Day. Matching this year’s theme ‘Leave NO ONE behind’ , the heavy vehicles will roll through Budapest carrying food donations for needy families. The event will feature high-leve

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Hybrid Event, 05/10/2022

Together with IAAS, i4Nature, Generation Climate Europe, Future Changemakers and FAO, the World Food Forum invites you to Europe and Central Asia virtual youth consultation on Wednesday, 5 October, 12:00-14:00 p.m. CEST. The consultation aims to prese

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Hybrid Event, 05/10/2022 - 06/10/2022

FAO, in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Türkiye, the Economic Cooperation Organization Regional Coordination Centre for Food Security (ECO-RCCFS), and with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality of

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Hybrid Event, 28/09/2022

FAO and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) are organizing a joint meeting on agrifood trade facilitation among SCO member states. The event will incorporate technical presentations from FAO and International Strategic Center for AgriFood Developm

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Virtual Event, 28/09/2022

The 39/4 meeting of the Executive Committee of the European Commission on Agriculture is scheduled for 28 September 2022. The Committee will be provided with an update on the impact of the war in Ukraine on food security and related matters, along with te

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Hybrid Event, 14/09/2022

FAO and the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) are organizing a joint sessions during the 2022 FIG Congress with a special focus on the potential for multi-purpose land consolidation in countries of Eastern Europe.   The objective of the session

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Hybrid Event, 08/09/2022 - 09/09/2022

The objective of the first day of the workshop is to provide stakeholders with a better understanding of climate action and the role of countries and FAO in climate action. Additionally participants will be given a synopsis of the international climate ch

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Hybrid Event, 05/09/2022 - 07/09/2022

The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) is an intergovernmental treaty signed by over 180 countries, which aims to protect the world's plant resources from the spread and introduction of pests, and promote safe trade. The IPPC regional worksh

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Hybrid Event, 03/08/2022

BackgroundFAO promotes the sustainable intensification of crop production. This approach requires the integration andharmonization of all appropriate crop production policies and practices aimed at increasing crop productivity.Projects implemented by FAO

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Hybrid Event, 03/08/2022

FAO, in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Türkiye, is organizing the first regional workshop for the “Leaving No One Behind: Greater Involvement and Empowerment of Rural Women in Türkiye and Central Asia Project”, under the FAO-