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African swine fever management in wild boar – Surveillance and prevention of transmission to/from domestic pigs
Hybrid Event, 22/11/2017 - 23/11/2017
The ASF epidemic has been spreading throughout the Caucasus and Eastern Europe since its entry from Africa into Georgia in 2007. The disease spread quickly throughout the Caucasus and into the Russian Federation (2007). Over the past years, the disease ha
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Strengthening the implementation framework for establishment of pest free areas and determination of pest status in an area”
Hybrid Event, 14/11/2017 - 16/11/2017
Regional Workshop Regional Project “Strengthening Capacities ff The National Phytosanitary Control Services in 4 Eastern European Countries” TCP/RER/3503, continues its work towards the development of appropriate technical cooperation among specialists
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Regional forum on e-agriculture for Central and South-East Europe “Precise and integrated response for sustainable farming and inclusive food systems “
Hybrid Event, 13/11/2017 - 15/11/2017
E-agriculture refers to designing, developing and applying innovative ways to use information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the rural domain, with a primary focus on agriculture and food, including fisheries, forestry and livestock. Technologic
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FAO regional awareness event under World Antibiotic Awareness Week
Hybrid Event, 10/11/2017
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) occurs when micro-organisms – bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites – evolve resistance to antimicrobial substances, like antibiotics. The pace of AMR's spread is now on the rise due to inappropriate and excessive use of a
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CADI - Central Asian Desert Initiative - Conservation and adaptive use of cold winter deserts in Central Asia
Hybrid Event, 08/11/2017
Inception of the project The inception workshop is dedicated to the launch of a project entitled Central Asian Desert Initiative - Conservation and adaptive use of cold winter deserts in Central Asia (CADI). CADI is an initiative taken by Michael Succow
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On-job training on pesticide quality assessment
Hybrid Event, 06/11/2017 - 10/11/2017
The five days on-job training is the next activity of the TCP/RER/3503: Strengthening capacities of the national phytosanitary control services in four Eastern European countries. The purpose of this training is to introduce the principles and practice of
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Closing workshop of the TCP/MOL 3504: Support to the development of a National Programme for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture in Moldova project
Hybrid Event, 19/10/2017
This event is a closing workshop for the TCP/MOL 3504: Support to the development of a National Programme for Plant Genetic theResources for Food and Agriculture in Moldova. This all day event will give room for summarize the activities that were done fo
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Inaugural network meeting of the Forest Invasive Species Network for Europe and Central Asia (REUFIS)
Hybrid Event, 17/10/2017 - 19/10/2017
In the Inaugural network meeting the Mandate of the network will be discussed and the election of the Secretary and the Executive Committee will take place together with the discussion of the Workplan for 2018. The technical part of the Network meeting w
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National training on for phytosanitary inspectors on pest diagnostic in Moldova
Hybrid Event, 16/10/2017 - 20/10/2017
The national training for phytosanitary inspectors on pest diagnostic is implemented under the Regional TCP on Strengthening capacities of the national phytosanitary control services in 4 Eastern European countries (TCP/RER/3503). The main aim of this ex
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In-country training on plant breeding and genetic resources
Hybrid Event, 16/10/2017 - 18/10/2017
The In-country training on plant breeding and genetic resources will be organized under the TCP/MOL 3504: Support to the development of a National Programme for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture in Moldova project. The main aim of the proje
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Training on domestic support measures and the rules of the WTO Agreement on Agriculture
Hybrid Event, 09/10/2017 - 10/10/2017
This training organized by the FAO Regional Initiative on Agrifood Trade and Market Integration will make participants more familiar with the rules and requirements of the WTO Agreement on Agriculture with regard to domestic support, the processes for int
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“Trade Policy, WTO and Development of Agricultural Markets in the Post-Soviet Countries” - workshop
Hybrid Event, 05/10/2017
Expected results During the workshop, participants will be able to: Improve their understanding of specific WTO trade rules related to agriculture, trade facilitation and ongoing negotiations in the WTO; Discuss issues and problems of trade and agric
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LANDNET workshop 2017
Hybrid Event, 03/10/2017 - 05/10/2017
Over the past 15 years, in Central and Eastern Europe, a strong informal network of land tenure and land management professionals interested in and working with land consolidation, land banking, land market development and other similar topics has emerged
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Fortieth session of the European Commission on Agriculture
Hybrid Event, 27/09/2017 - 28/09/2017
The 40th Session of the ECA will be held in the Ministry of Agriculture in Budapest, Hungary. This Session of the ECA focuses around the following thematic area: The effect of climate change on transboundary animal diseases (TADs) in Europe and Central As
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Awareness-raising workshop to launch implementation of the VGGTs in Central Asia
Hybrid Event, 26/09/2017
This awareness-raising workshop is launching the project on the implementation of the VGGT in Central Asia. The project will assist two countries - Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan - with initial steps with implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Respo
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Awareness-raising workshop to launch implementation of the VGGTs in Central Asia
Hybrid Event, 21/09/2017
This awareness-raising workshop is launching the project on the implementation of the VGGT in Central Asia. The project will assist two countries - Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan - with initial steps with implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Respo
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Final workshops in Moldova
Hybrid Event, 19/09/2017
The Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia will organize a project closing workshop in Moldova. Under the TCP/MOL/3502: Support for adaptation and implementation of Integrated Pest Management in Moldova. This all day event will give room for summar
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Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation in FYR Macedonia - workshop
Hybrid Event, 19/09/2017 - 20/09/2017
The purpose of this workshop is threefold. First, FAO will present the results of the “Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: Institutional and policy Mapping Report” project that illustrates possible entry p
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Lumpy skin disease and bluetongue training of trainers (in FYR of Macedonia)
Hybrid Event, 13/09/2017 - 26/10/2017
Lumpy skin disease (LSD) is a vector-borne pox disease of cattle characterized by the appearance of skin nodules. Long restricted to sub-Saharan Africa, LSD has slowly invaded new territories over the past decade (Middle East, Turkey, the Balkans, the Cau
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29th Session of the European Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture Advisory Commission
Hybrid Event, 06/09/2017 - 08/09/2017
EIFAAC - European Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture Advisory Commission - 29th Session (FI-727-29)