FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia

Europe and Central Asia – Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition 2023

Statistics and trends

The 2023 Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition in Europe and Central Asia is the ninth Europe and Central Asia report monitoring regional trends and progress made towards reaching Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2 food security and nutrition targets. SDG 2, often referred to as the “Zero Hunger” goal, aims to end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture.


This publication assesses the extent, progress and challenges of providing gender-responsive agricultural extension services in Albania based on the FAO Gender and Rural Advisory Services Assessment Tool (GRAST) methodology. This assessment identifies the key gaps at national, organizational and field levels that hinder the achievement of the relevant Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the country’s progress towards inclusive and sustainable agrifood systems.


In Albania, despite many positive policies and legal developments regarding gender equality, the ownership and management of agricultural businesses remain heavily male-dominated. his policy paper examines the experiences of three European Union countries – Belgium, France and Spain – to showcase good practices for enhancing the role and status of spouses and partners in agricultural businesses. Albania can benefit from these examples to strengthen women's rights in agriculture.


This book examines the importance and potential of geographical indication (GI) in Central Asia, drawing insights from global experiences in promoting GI products. It includes successful case studies and provides recommendations for Kyrgyzstan. It illustrates a number of good practices in the promotion of GIs and appellation of origin (AO) products by showing the quality and other positive impacts of geographical indication (GI) value chains.


The EIFAAC workshop on citizen science in fisheries was held virtually on 29 February 2024. It was organized by the EIFAAC Secretariat and Inland Fisheries Ireland. The workshop was attendedby 79 participants from 21 countries. Five invited speakers presented their citizen science research findings and recommendations.


The Sixth International Carp Conference was organized in Szarvas, Hungary, on 31 August–1 September 2023. The conference aimed to strengthen the “carp segment” within European aquaculture, improve the image of carp pond aquaculture as common European heritage, and to explore the opportunities for carp within “blue aquaculture”. The Sixth International Carp Conference approved the “Szarvas Declaration”.


A series of country change stories has been documented in an attempt to ground the global agrifood systems discourse in specific realities and make sense of what they mean at country level. The five stories in this publication illustrate the varied ways in which FAO accompanied governments, civil society organizations and other development partners on a journey of agrifood systems transformation in Côte d’Ivoire, Cambodia, the Pacific, Guatemala and Albania.


Food loss and waste (FLW) is a major global challenge, one that squanders precious resources and deepens the climate crisis through the production of greenhouse gas emissions. FLW also exacerbates global problems like poverty and hunger. Reducing FLW is therefore crucial for achieving a more sustainable and equitable agrifood system, which in turn will promote food security, strengthen food chains and minimize the environmental footprint of food systems.


This review covers three types of emergency: slow onset (such as drought); rapid onset (flooding, earthquakes, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis; and complex (mostly war or conflict-related). It considers natural disasters and protracted crises only and covers all of these categories of emergencies within Eastern Europe and Central Asia over the past 25 years, based on a set of crises prioritized by the FAO regional team (see Annex A for the list of countries and emergencies).


The Kosovo gender profile for agriculture and rural livelihoods aims to improve knowledge on gender‑related issues in agriculture. It proposes evidence‑based recommendations for advancing gender equality.


This casebook unfolds the stories of 25 farmers and agripreneurs who have successfully embraced digital technologies. The accounts presented here reveal that, opportunities for innovation and resilience can be found. The case studies presented here, grouped into five distinct use cases, illustrate the transformative power of digitalization in agriculture, and serve as tangible examples of the successes and lessons learned on the path to sustainable development.


The war in Ukraine continues to compound the vulnerabilities of rural communities, especially those living near the frontline. Rural communities are increasingly becoming food aid beneficiaries and nearly one‑third of planned food aid beneficiaries under the 2024 Humanitarian Response Plan are rural people who traditionally produce their own food. In this context, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has developed the 2024 Emergency Response Plan (ERP).


This 2024 document of the European Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture Advisory Commission (EIFAAC) describes progress made by EIFAAC in 2023 and 2024 towards implementing its workplan and showcases news from EIFAAC Members, such as new policies, new legislation, new studies, and innovations in aquaculture and inland fisheries production and management.


This is an updated version of the 2017 Guide to mainstreaming gender in the FAO project cycle. It provides project formulators with practical guidance and tools to implement the gender related requirements established in the different phases of the FAO project cycle, and to support the formulation of projects and programs that contribute to advancing gender equality and women’s empowerment in agrifood systems, as foreseen by FAO’s mandate.


In this issue of the FAO Europe and Central Asia Gender Newsletter, we provide an overview of the latest stories, including the United Nations Regional Forum on Sustainable Development, International Women’s Day celebrations, the Country Gender Assessment workshop in Albania, and expert insights from Albania, Georgia and Türkiye.


This background document examines the central role of innovation and digitalization in advancing the realization of climate-resilient and low-emission pathways within agrifood systems. It emphasizes their significance in enabling and catalysing sustainable natural resource management, it outlines recommendations for FAO, serving as a strategic guide for harnessing the full potential of innovation and digitalization.


The flyer details the activities that are ongoing as part of the digital Villages initiative in Tajikistan. Digital Villages enhance rural resilience and food security by providing farmers with digital tools for accessing inputs, market information, and alternative sales channels online.


This report builds upon FAO’s work promoting gender mainstreaming in extension and advisory services, cataloguing challenges and suggesting strategies for increasing the gender responsiveness of rural advisory services globally. The purpose of this review is to apply FAO’s accumulated knowledge about gender equality in the context of rural advisory services to assess the situation in the Europe and Central Asia region.


This report presents the results of a mixed-method rapid assessment that provides both indicative quantitative information and in-depth qualitative analysis on the household-level impacts of the Cash+ pilot. The aim of this study is to evaluate the impacts of the pilot on beneficiaries, in particular on their diets, agricultural activities, income generation and poverty reduction and its potential for poverty reduction through a scale up of similar support.


This report aims to describe and analyse the economic and business aspects of agroforestry implementation in Uzbekistan. This information is presented to enable the development of detailed and specific suggestions for land use contract development.


Each issue of FAO Europe and Central Asia Gender Newsletter explores and discusses women’s and men’s experiences in agriculture and food security in the region. This issue reports on the latest developments in gender equality and women's empowerment through the celebration of the International Day of Rural Women in the region, the 43rd session of the European Commission on Agriculture, FAO activities and projects in the Western Balkans and regional workshops organised in Georgia and Türkiye.