FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia

Europe and Central Asia – Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition 2023

Statistics and trends

The 2023 Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition in Europe and Central Asia is the ninth Europe and Central Asia report monitoring regional trends and progress made towards reaching Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2 food security and nutrition targets. SDG 2, often referred to as the “Zero Hunger” goal, aims to end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture.


FAO’s work globally and in the Europe and Central Asia region is guided by the FAO Strategic Framework 2022–2031, which articulates the Organization’s vision of a sustainable and food-secure world for all. With the Strategic Framework and the four betters as a lens, this report reviews and describes the project and the programme work of the Organization at the regional level and in each of the FAO programme countries of the region.


The brochure delves into the critical interface between science and policy within the agrifood system, emphasizing its role in driving transformation, resilience, and food security. It highlights the importance of Science–Policy Interfaces (SPIs) in translating scientific discoveries into actionable policies and practices.


The Digital Village Initiative aims to transform rural life in Europe and Central Asia by deploying digital technologies. This project focuses on three key objectives: deliver increased agricultural productivity by introducing advanced technologies to farmers; connect rural communities through digital platforms that enhance access to essential services, and foster sustainable and resilient rural economies for long-term growth and prosperity.


The report delineates four principal market channels for small ruminant milk and three for small ruminant meat that farmers utilize for product commercialization. Albanian small ruminant farmers predominantly focus on milk production, while their counterparts in Serbia, Montenegro, and Bosnia and Herzegovina are inclined towards meat production.


This publication document discusses the development and implementation of a food safety barometer in Belgium. The purpose of the barometer is to measure the state of food safety in the country and enable evidence-informed risk management and policy decisions. The barometer consists of 30 indicators that cover various aspects of food safety from farm to fork.


This report presents an overview of concepts related to bioeconomy and the benefits of their implementation in agriculture and shares agriculture production trends, bioeconomy initiatives and sustainable agriculture approaches from throughout the Eastern Europe and Central Asia region.


In Uzbekistan's Ferghana Valley, the rural communities of Novkent and Yuksalish are at the forefront of a remarkable transformation into Digital Villages. This leaflet explores how these areas are harnessing technology to revolutionize agriculture and empower youth.


The Second Dialogue on Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) in Europe and Central Asia aimed to promote the GIAHS Programme in the region, raising awareness on the potentiality of participating in the dynamic conservation of these sites. Speakers from all around the region discussed about traditional agricultural systems, bringing the experience of existing sites at different stages of recognition and potential ones that are still in the process of identification.


The Generic master’s course curriculum on land consolidation and land banking: FAO Study and Recommendations is a powerful capacity development tool that will educate young land tenure professionals and existing specialists interested in implementing land consolidation and land banking projects. The report contains a structure for a course curriculum on land consolidation and land banking, including a list of modules, recommendations regarding teaching techniques and useful resources.


The 2023 Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition in Europe and Central Asia is the ninth Europe and Central Asia (ECA) report monitoring regional trends and progress made towards reaching Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2 food security and nutrition targets. SDG 2, often referred to as the “Zero Hunger” goal, aims to end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture.


Proceedings of the technical workshop on nature-based solutions in Europe and Central Asia FAO acknowledges that nature-based solutions are cost-effective interventions that can enhance resilience in agriculture and food production while mitigating climate change and enhancing the environment. These strategies mimic nature by integrating the ecosystem functioning at a landscape scale to address socio-environmental challenges such as water scarcity, food insecurity and climate change adaptation


The third issue of Biodiversity in Action illustrates why the health of humans and the environment requires biodiversity and how all dimensions of food security depend on it, highlighting the risks for nutrition and health and the benefits for food and nutritional security.


This issue of the FAO Europe and Central Asia Gender Newsletter reports on the updates regarding the gendered impacts of the war in Ukraine and gender-responsive earthquake recovery in Türkiye, International Day of Rural Women celebrations in the region, FAO's new resource guide to mainstreaming gender in climate investments, and the UN Food Systems Summit proceedings. The newsletter also includes insightful field stories from Türkiye, Kyrgyzstan, Albania and the Republic of Moldova.


Small and very small farms are up to 2 ha in size, and large farms are those larger than 2 ha. Very large farms are 10 ha or more. Women represent 50 percent of those working in agriculture, but head around 6.5 percent of all farms. Agriculture production is completely dominated by smallholders and family farms, and women and men face different realities and needs. 2020, 164 p.


Farms in Armenia are small. Around 42 percent of family farms are smaller than 0.5 hectares. The average farm size of family farms in Armenia is 1.48 hectares. Agriculture is one of the most important economic sectors of Armenia. Agriculture is the biggest employment sector in rural communities – 68 percent of the employed rural population were involved in agriculture in 2015. Poverty is a serious concern. 2020, 178 p.


This report aims to analyse the development trend and current state of smallholders and family farms in the country and to study the current political priorities and policies affecting smallholders and family farms. It provides recommendations, mainly at the policy level, on how to further support the development of commercial family farms in Georgia and at the same time ensure, in general, inclusive growth, improved rural livelihoods, and reduction of rural poverty. 2020, 162 p.


Agriculture in Kyrgyzstan employs 29 percent of all labour in the country. Its enormous small-scale production ensures the importance of the sector. More than 400 000 business units and more than 700 000 rural households produce over 95 percent of the total agricultural production in the country. This brings positive and adverse consequences. Small farm sizes is a serious problem for the development of agriculture but smallholders are a driving force in the agrarian sector. 2020, 144 p.


Small-scale farming is a predominant model in the Republic of Moldova, and small farms (including family farms) play an essential role in the country’s agriculture and rural development and in the economy as a whole. Smallholders and family farms generate over 62 percent of the total volume of agricultural produce of the country, thus contributing fundamentally to overall food production and food security in the Republic of Moldova. 2020, 150 p.


Smallholders and family farms in Serbia are numerous and occupy considerable resources. Yet, the characteristics of farm managers are not conducive to the sustained development of the sector. Smallholders and family farms managed by women are, in many aspects, in an even worse position. Access of smallholders and family farms to inputs and services is generally low. Most of the smallholders and family farms in Serbia are active market participants. 2020, 171 p.


A constraint hampering the development of the dehkan farm is the low profitability of the agriculture sector, despite the fact that this sector as a whole plays a significant role in the economy of the country. Low profitability, frequent price hikes can cause financial planning challenges for smallholders and family dehkan farms. Other interrelated challenges include access to water and the deterioration of irrigation infrastructures that currently need major repairs. 2020, 160 p.