FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia

Europe and Central Asia – Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition 2023

Statistics and trends

The 2023 Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition in Europe and Central Asia is the ninth Europe and Central Asia report monitoring regional trends and progress made towards reaching Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2 food security and nutrition targets. SDG 2, often referred to as the “Zero Hunger” goal, aims to end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture.


Agriculture has an important role in North Macedonia and in 2017 it accounted for 7.9 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP) in the country. However, agriculture’s share of the country’s GDP has been decreasing for the past decade, and the need to improve agricultural productivity has become an important challenge.


Although Kyrgyzstan is a country with little forest cover, its forests provide a wide range of goods and services and are particularly important for the local communities. More than 35 percent of the population lives below the poverty line.


This publication reports on the systematic collection of information about soil resource management at farm level with the objective of providing an efficient land market relationship in Ukraine, based on transparency and protecting landowners.


The brochure provides information on events, activities and achievements of the GEF-funded FAO project "Integrated Natural Resources Management in Degraded Landscapes in the Forest-Steppe and Steppe Zones of Ukraine" in 2019.


FAO conducted country studies on the needs and constraints of smallholders and family farms in eight countries of the region. The countries were selected from among those where smallholders and family farms dominate the farm structures and from the various sub-regions so that together they provide a regional overview. The countries covered in the report are Albania, Armenia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Republic of Moldova, North Macedonia, Serbia and Tajikistan. 2020, 166 p.


The document aims to provide the main guidelines that potential entities should consider before engaging in the Green Climate Fund (GCF) accreditation process. It includes a brief description of the main steps of the GCF accreditation process, information on the most relevant policies, as well as an explanation of each section of the accreditation form.


This leaflet is one of the communication products developed by FAO and the Cabinet of the Deputy President of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia in charge of Economic Affairs, in its role as National Designated Authority (NDA) to Green Climate Fund (GCF) in the frames of the country's second project under the GCF Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme


The Guidelines for Developing a GIAHS Proposal Document, hereinafter referred to as “the Guidelines”, aim to provide clear recommendations to the authors of GIAHS proposal documents on the descriptions required in each part of the GIAHS application template. Therefore, the Guidelines are a supplementary document to the GIAHS proposal template.


The project contributes to improving livelihoods in rural areas and reduction of socio-economic divergence in the north-west region of Azerbaijan by supporting improvement of inclusive agri-food systems that promote local food heritage through Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) and development of inclusive and efficient value chains for selected food products.


The aim of the brochure to introduce the main objective of this Regional Initiative its strengthen countries’ ability to manage their natural resources sustainably, while also coping with climate change and reducing the risk of disaster in agriculture, forestry and fisheries.


This leaflet is one of the communication products developed by FAO and the Cabinet of the Deputy President of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia in charge of Economic Affairs, in its role as National Designated Authority (NDA) to Green Climate Fund (GCF) in the frames of the country's second project under the Green Climate Fund Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme


Businesses in WTO member countries may also benefit from the governments’ use of WTO instruments to promote trade growth and protecting against unfair practices. Moreover, businesses may directly use some of these instruments to raise awareness about the terms and conditions for getting access to foreign markets and, in cooperation with governmental authorities, receive support or protection as provided under WTO rules.


The report reveals major differences in the structures of both agricultural trade and trade policies.


This factsheet is jointly developed by the Cabinet of the Deputy President of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia in charge of Economic Affairs, in its role as National Designated Authority (NDA) to GCF and FAO.


This review is the second in a series of publications on recent developments in agricultural trade and trade policy evolution in the post-Soviet countries.


This review is the third in a series of publications on recent developments in agricultural trade and trade policy evolution in the post-Soviet countries.


The brochure aims to summarize the objective and goals of the project and raise general interest and awareness among professionals on the work which is happening in the region related to seed systems.


The report provides the status of key climate indicators using the WMO and partner organizations operational monitoring systems and latest data and information on impacts, risks and policy from United Nations (UN) agencies. It addresses specific physical science, socio-economic and policy aspects that are relevant to WMO-RA6 domain and responds to Members needs in the fields of climate monitoring, climate change and climate services.


In collaboration with its partners, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) leads the integration, in a structured, holistic and coherent manner, of actions for the conservation, sustainable use, management and restoration of biological diversity across agricultural sectors at national, regional and international levels.


This publication has the objective of providing a comprehensive analysis of the key trends in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and vulnerability to climate change in the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) region, compiling the most relevant efforts and progress reported by countries in the implementation of mitigation and adaptation goals and measures in recent years.