Coarse grain production on track to hit an all-time high, pushing up overall supply and trade prospects
New FAOSTAT domain focuses on statistics from dietary data
QU Dongyu addresses African leaders at the Italian Senate
At the GFFA in Berlin, Chief Economist Máximo Torero urges unity to end hunger and support policy and monitoring tools already in place
Benchmark measure of world food commodity prices ends 2023 about 10 percent below its year-earlier level.
The data shows urgent need for improvement, as well as the potential for shared learnings
From the FAO Office for Europe and Central Asia
From a world leaders’ declaration on food and agriculture to a new FAO global roadmap to eradicate hunger while keeping 1.5°C alive, COP28 witnessed momentum to transform agrifood systems
From the FAO Regional Office for Near East and North Africa
From FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
New report offers uplifting cases of successful restoration projects amid the climate crisis
Stronger focus on fisheries management between 2024 and 2028 in response to climate change
The transformation of agrifood systems - a unique opportunity to tackle climate change, biodiversity loss and food insecurity - is under threat from reduced funding
The roadmap envisions transforming agrifood systems from a net emitter to a carbon sink based on the principle of a just transition
Observance helps highlight the potato’s importance for global agriculture, economic development, food security and nutrition
International cereal quotations dip, vegetable oil prices rise, and record grains harvest is expected in the year ahead.
Various mitigation options exist to reduce greenhouse gases while meeting increased demand for terrestrial animal-sourced foods.