Director-General says four-day Conference helped identify the priorities needed for FAO “to do more and better"
FAO Director-General urges peace and digitalization as central to achieving the SDG agenda.
How innovation contributes to safeguarding the health of plants and our planet takes centre stage
The user-friendly platform helps visualize, process and analyze extensive environment and climate data
At UNGA-ECOSOC event, FAO Deputy Director-General emphasizes the key role of anticipatory action in protecting and equipping communities ahead of shocks
Galvanizing youth action, innovation and investment at the annual World Food Forum to achieve a better food future for all
85 FAO member countries have officially expressed interest in promoting the sustainable development of the value chains of 54 Special Agricultural Products
RENOFARM, or Reduce the Need for Antimicrobials on Farms for Sustainable Agrifood Systems Transformation already piloted in Indonesia, Uganda and Nigeria
FAO workshop highlights success stories, including from Benin, that provide models for replication
FAO Director-General emphasizes importance of tackling root causes by increasing agricultural support in emergencies.
Recent weather trends associated with El Niño have decimated harvest prospects and point to rising prices and import needs.
Efforts include provision of basic inputs, post-harvest equipment and community infrastructure development
Director of the FAO Office of Emergencies and Resilience, Rein Paulsen, evaluates the food security situation on the ground and urges continued global support
Recently published booklet highlights significance and calls for action to maximize potential
Commission on Phytosanitary Measures “indispensable” amid changing weather patterns, FAO Director-General says