FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia

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An apple a day keeps the doctor away, so the saying goes. FAO, jointly with Turkey’s Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, and other local partners, is helping to ensure Turkish consumers get their daily apple free of both pests and pesticides. Sustainab
Digital technologies have been part of agriculture since well before the COVID-19 pandemic began, but the current crisis has given further impetus to finding new applications for technology in food production. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the
The region of Europe and Central Asia is an economic and agricultural powerhouse that boasts diverse cultures, agri-food systems and climatic zones, FAO Director-General QU Dongyu said today. This diversity, he added, provides opportunities to share experience and good practices within the region and beyond, but to untap this potential the region needs more investment and innovation.
Azerbaijani and Georgian teas took centre stage during an online celebration on the eve of the second International Tea Day. FAO and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) hosted the roundtable event to highlight the countries’ poten
“For some reason, everyone thinks that a beekeeper should be a man, but that’s not the case here,” states Ketevan Bluishvili, a beekeeper from Matani village of the Kakheti region in eastern Georgia. In some regions, women are even explicitly banned from
What challenges do vulnerable agricultural communities face in accessing rural social protection, and how can social security be extended to those not covered by the system? This was the critical question a group of experts sought to answer at a virtual w
Although severe hunger has not been a major issue in Europe and Central Asia in the past 20 years, the region is in part facing an increase of moderate food insecurity - understood as irregular access to nutritious and sufficient food -, while also dealing with the widespread rapid growth of obesity, challenging its ability to achieve food security and improved nutrition, as outlined in the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2.
Animal health is an important issue in Central Asia, with livestock being a staple part of the economy. Tajikistan is not an exception either, where almost half of the population works in agriculture. Therefore, the ability to prevent, detect, and manage
In a joint statement released today, FAO, the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), and the World Health Organization (WHO), committed to strengthening multi-sectoral coordination and efforts to combat health threats associated with interactions bet
Tajikistan is considered one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change in Central Asia. The effects of climate change are already visible in the form of increased temperatures, extreme weather events, and glacial melt. The agricultural sector is