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Regional professionals meet in Skopje to discuss land consolidation legislation
Identifying regional best practice and developing common approaches to land consolidation legislation in countries of the Western Balkans are the focus of a three-day international LANDNET workshop opening here today.
The workshop is organized jointly by
Eastern Europe’s fisheries sector seeks access to lucrative international market
Fish and fish products are among the most widely traded food commodities in the world, with trade totaling around US$ 145 billion per year. Demand is especially strong in Europe. Market access and regional trade in fish products in Eastern Europe – especi
Experts: Organic produce can spur development in Central Asia
A growing number of consumers are getting hungry for organic produce, and production is on the rise in many parts of the world. Because of their agricultural tradition, manpower and favourable environmental conditions, Central Asian countries have a signi
Conference eyes sustainable future for Black Sea fisheries and aquaculture
Fisheries experts convene today in Sofia, Bulgaria – to take stock of progress towards sustainable fisheries and aquaculture in the Black Sea and propose actions to maintain the momentum.
All Black Sea countries signed the landmark Bucharest Declaration
FAO launches regional initiative on sustainability, climate change
Managing natural resources sustainably while also coping with climate change is the focus of a new FAO initiative for food and agriculture in Europe and Central Asia. The initiative was endorsed by FAO’s regional governing body when it convened last month
FAO, GEF launch project to nurture natural resources in Central Asia and Turkey
In the past 50 years, the population of the Central Asia region has tripled. With the need to feed a larger number of people amid increasingly limited water resources and highly vulnerable climatic conditions, the region faces serious food security challe
Greenhouses opened in Armenian schools to improve students’ nutrition
Greenhouses are opening in rural schools in Armenia’s Ararat region today with the goal of increasing schoolchildren’s dietary diversity and improving their nutrition. All three greenhouses – in the public schools of Vedi, Verin Artashat and Surenavan – a
Serbian grain heavyweights meet to boost exports
Serbia’s main grain industry stakeholders gathered last month to discuss ways to increase exports, a significant milestone in developing dialogue between public and private institutions in the country.
Players – including grain producers, processors, exp
Moldovan smallholders should cooperate for better access to international markets, FAO suggests
Fragmented land, limited access to finance and limited knowledge among small-scale food producers are among the main constraints to growth highlighted in the FAO report Republic of Moldova Value Chain Gap Analysis, published recently.
This study consolid
Lumpy skin disease prevention and response: a new challenge for Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine
The occurrence of lumpy skin disease (LSD) in the Caucasus and the Russian Federation highlights the potential for further spread to other countries in Eastern Europe. Belarus, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine make the list of at-risk countries, where