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Photo story: Moldova works to ensure all food is safe
People everywhere want their food to be safe – free of harmful toxins, viruses, bacteria, veterinary drugs, or excess additives. For the past two years, Moldova has been working with FAO to modernize its national food safety system.
FAO helps Ukrainian farmers get prepared for the next planting season
Some 1 250 rural households residing along the contact line in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine are receiving seed potatoes this week from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). This is the second round of FAO’s veget
Rural women in Kyrgyzstan receive assistance from Swedish funds
A programme that helps rural women in Kyrgyzstan gain access to new economic opportunities has received significant financial support from the Swedish government.
The USD 5 million contribution from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agenc
Photo story: Turkey's newest farmers
Southeastern Turkey already has one of the highest unemployment rates in the country. This region has now absorbed most of the 3.5 million Syrian refugees who have arrived since the start of the war, and competition for jobs is fierce.Yet employers are lo
Sustainable cities: super timber, vertical forests, vertical farming
To a globe faced with climate challenges, trees could provide one way out – this was the main takeaway of a panel discussion at the Palais des Nations, Geneva today.
“Forests provide the solution to many of the sustainability problems that we will face i
Tajik officials learn from Georgian peers in FAO study tour
Senior staff members of Tajikistan’s Ministry of Agriculture and its Statistics Agency are in Georgia now to meet with representatives of the National Statistics Office and the Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture in Georgia. They are on a f
Participants from 21 countries meet for KazGrain 2018 conference in Astana
Participants from 21 countries, including Austria, China, the Russian Federation, the United States of America, Turkey, France, Switzerland, and many more, gathered here today for the KazGrain 2018 conference to discuss trends in the world grain market an
Geographical indication to sweeten the deal for Serbian producers
Serbia has a dynamic horticulture industry. But with increased competition from the European Union, Serbian producers need to find ways to get an edge in the market, both at home and abroad.
Recently the country’s renowned Oblačinka from Oblačina sour ch
Dairy Congress kicks off next phase of EU-FAO-EBRD support for Georgian milk producers
The benefits of cooperation and opportunities for small- and medium-sized dairy enterprises topped the agenda of the Second Caucasus Dairy Congress held in Georgia’s capital, Tbilisi, today.
The event, supported by the European Union and Georgia’s Minist
FAO workshop to widen horizon for Kyrgyz agrifood exporters
Supporting the Kyrgyzstan government’s pursuit to unleash the country’s export potential, FAO is conducting a one-day workshop today in Bishkek to discuss with participants how to diversify agrifood exports and to enter the European and Chinese agricultur