FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia

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North Macedonia has joined the European Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture Advisory Commission (EIFAAC) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) as it 37th member. Ljupcho Nikolovski, the Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy of the Republic of North Macedonia, informed QU Dongyu, FAO Director-General, about the decision.
In 2023, proclaimed as the International Year of Millets, these crops are celebrated across the globe for their multiple benefits. It’s a perfect opportunity for people of the Europe and Central Asia region, where the crop’s popularity isn’t so high, to learn more about the values of producing and consuming millets.
A regional wine symposium is helping build agrifood system resilience and diversify export markets

The second meeting of the International Network on salt-affected soils (INSAS) is taking place this week in Tashkent to address land degradation and build stronger linkages between science, policy, and farmers.

In 2021, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (FAO) launched the global Digital Villages Initiative to promote digital innovations to rural communities. Now the initiative is being scaled up in Europe and Central Asia, aiming to improve livelihoods, wellbeing, and social cohesion in this region.
Morning breaks in the village Durmon, a quiet hamlet in the Bukhara region of southern Uzbekistan. There is no bustle of a big city. The only sounds are of chirping of birds and the humming of peaceful nature.

By definition, pesticides are a poison. These chemicals denigrate and pollute the soil, water, air, plants, and other insects and organisms essential to biodiversity of ecosystems; leave residues in foods; and can be harmful to human health.

Biopesticides offer a better, more sustainable solution for Central Asian farmers.


Over 40 FAO Members and other partners gathered at an informal meeting to discuss current issues of food and agriculture in times of multiple crisis

©FAO/ Tetyana Brivko

Unique plant genetic resources have been transported over a thousand kilometres from Kharkiv to the west of Ukraine.


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) with the financial support from Switzerland’s of USD 421 000, will provide agriculture livelihood emergency relief and shelter assistance to 11 communities impacted by the recent floods. Assistance will focus on the most affected vulnerable people who will receive aid to recover from the impact of the floods and help increase their resilience to future extreme weather shocks.