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Upgrading traditional techniques boosts production of famous Azerbaijani tomatoes
Emergency support allows families in the Republic of Moldova to feed their cattle
FAO assists seed system management in four countries of southern Europe and Central Asia
New UN report focuses on food security and nutrition in Europe and Central Asia, points way towards more affordable and sustainable diets
In the context of climate change, Central Asia stands ready for more cooperation on food security
Acknowledging the negative impacts of climate change on agriculture and food production, ministers from the five Central Asian countries discuss today potential solutions for addressing regional and global food and climate change challenges. The meeting was fostered by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
Smartphones are boosting gender equality in Georgia and beyond
Conference spotlights regional food system sustainability
The first set of systematic and in-depth National Food Systems Assessments in Central Asia show that consumer food preferences are changing. Agrifood systems are becoming industrialized and globalized. Increasing numbers of people live in cities and personal income levels are rising. Th...
Knowledge, innovation and digitalization can transform agriculture in Uzbekistan
Digital innovation and technology can transform agrifood systems into environmentally and economically sustainable systems that will promote better production and enhance more equitable rural livelihoods with increased opportunities for women, youth, and vulnerable groups. The challenge is how to move ahead with a digitalization programme that is effective and efficient, and which harnesses the existing wealth of knowledge held by farmers, agribusiness entrepreneurs, researchers, and extension service agents.
FAO continues push to address land abandonment in North Macedonia
The abandonment of agricultural land in North Macedonia is a pressing concern, with approximately 32 percent of arable agricultural land in the country having been abandoned – a much higher rate than in most other European countries.