FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia

FAO Regional Priority Programme

As a result of land reforms in the 1990s, Europe and Central Asia is largely a region of smallholders. In some countries, large commercial farms exist side-by-side with many economically unprofitable smallholders. Yet small farms can achieve high levels of productivity and income – through improved organization, intensified and sustainable production, and integration into agrifood chains. With appropriate support, family farms can be a model for achieving sustainable growth, ensuring food security and mitigating rural poverty.
FAO and the European Union provide grants of up to USD150 000 to support aggregation models in berry and vegetable production

On 17 February 2025, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), with the support of the European Union (EU) and in close collaboration...

The skills that saved one Georgian woman’s life

Nino Kavtaradze’s skills and experience processing fruits and making cheeses provided her with income for vital cancer treatment and equipped her to...

State-of-the-art grapevine pruning online video courses are now available in Georgian

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FAO surveys digitalization of agriculture in Tajikistan

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FAO helps local communities help themselves to a more sustainable future

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, the lives and livelihoods of people living in rural areas could transform to be more sustainable through combining priorities...

Women behind push for resilience Bosnia and Herzegovinian agriculture

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United Nations launches ambitious programme for sustainable digital transformation of Albania’s agriculture

Albania, with United Nations partners, has launched a groundbreaking joint programme leveraging digitalization to advance sustainability goals with...

From hardship to harvest in Kazakhstan

In the village of Koram, around 150 kilometers east of Almaty in Kazakhstan, Aishagul's life has been marked by her husband’s debilitating injury and...

Consensus reached on land consolidation plan in Chiflik, North Macedonia

On 18 October, the local landowners, by a qualified majority, approved the re-allotment plan, marking Chiflik as the eighth village in North Macedonia...

FAO: Rural women are key to building resilience in agrarian areas

The role of women in agriculture and rural livelihoods and the opportunities for their economic participation, financial inclusion, and contribution...

Frameworks regulating Albania’s agricultural cooperatives need reform to support agricultural sector

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Albania,...

FAO project targets resolving public-private co-ownership of agricultural land and improved agricultural land management

A new project by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) will tackle issues arising when agricultural land is co-owned by...

New FAO-LEGS publication highlights pathways to resilience for crisis-hit farmers in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Livestock related emergencies, including conflict or disease induced crises, are becoming increasingly widespread. Their effects can be devastating...

Nigerian delegation's visit to Türkiye advances sustainable crop management project

A project under the joint Partnership Programme of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Türkiye has become a productive...

This Regional Priority Programme uses a complex, multidisciplinary and area-based development approach, tailored to the Europe and Central Asia region. It takes into consideration the region’s heterogeneity and the special challenges it faces.

The overall goal is to address the key problems of rural people by empowering smallholders and family farms to improve their livelihoods. Elimination of rural poverty, improving the resilience of rural populations (with a focus on smallholders) and inclusive growth for rural economies based on sustainable use of natural resources are the basic principles of the Priority Programme.

The work focuses equally on technical issues (animal health, production, phytosanitary and so forth) and social, economic and environmental aspects. Inclusiveness – with respect to gender and vulnerable groups, for example – is also a key principle.

The Priority Programme tackles two main areas: (1) policy, institutions and governance, and (2) farms and communities. Priority actions include strengthening governance and policies, building capacities, enhancing participatory approaches, supporting small holders in sustainable production technologies, supporting land consolidation processes, income diversification, and improving smallholder access to markets, rural finance and value chains.

The Priority Programme aims to achieve the following results:

  • Increased participation of farmers and rural communities in national development;
  • Enhanced sustainable and inclusive growth of rural economies;
  • Improved sustainable management of natural resources.

Activities are in the following areas:

  • sustainable management of agricultural land and water resources;
  • intensification of smallholders’ production in a sustainable manner;
  • strengthening the organizations of small producers and family farms;
  • enhancing rural services – such as advisory services and micro-loans.

Results are foreseen mainly in:

  • increased participation of farmers and rural communities in national development;
  • enhanced sustainable and inclusive growth of rural economies; 
  • improved sustainable management of natural resources;
  • dissemination of sustainable agricultural best practices;
  • strengthened governance to support producers and resource managers;
  • enhanced and equitable access by smallholders to productive resources, services, organizations and markets;
  • development of inclusive and efficient agribusinesses and agrifood chains.

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