FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia

News and events

Following the evidence-based analysis of gender in the regional response to the war in Ukraine published last year, the Regional Gender Task Force, the leading advocacy and information and coordination platform on gender in humanitarian action in Europe and Central Asia, has released a new gender brief on Ukrainian refugees’ livelihoods and access to work in neighbouring countries.
On 6 June 2023, a group of experts from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) conducted an inception workshop in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, for a new digital cadastre project, “Support for the establishment of a digital land cadastre.”
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is hosting the third regional workshop of an informal technical network on community development for Europe and Central Asia. Members will discuss ways to promote the principles of the territorial approaches to rural development in the region. The event is a forum to exchange knowledge, strengthen partnerships, and share lessons learned from regional and country-level experiences.
In 2021, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (FAO) launched the global Digital Villages Initiative to promote digital innovations to rural communities. Now the initiative is being scaled up in Europe and Central Asia, aiming to improve livelihoods, wellbeing, and social cohesion in this region.
Today is a significant milestone in the development of the agriculture sector in North Macedonia, as one five-year undertaking concludes and another begins.
Nearly 2 000 rural families in the Republic of Moldova are receiving emergency cattle feed through a EUR 2 million project being implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and with financial support from the Austrian Development Agency (ADA). 
Nestled in the vast plains of Georgia, in the shadows of the snow-covered Caucasus mountains, Malika Machalikashvili’s farm in Pankisi Gorge was once pretty traditional. She and her family shared the day-to-day work of caring for the livestock and poultry, gardening the vegetables and taking care of the hazelnut orchard, along with a few fruit trees and berry bushes. She used to bring the produce to the local market or sometimes even the one in the country’s capital, Tbilisi. Today, on top of the farm’s new additions, such as a greenhouse and modern irrigation, perhaps the most novel change is that she now sells her produce using a smartphone.  

The abandonment of agricultural land in North Macedonia is a pressing concern, with approximately 32 percent of arable agricultural land in the country having been abandoned – a much higher rate than in most other European countries.

In the Republic of Tajikistan, one in four families has at least one family member working abroad. Representing about 10 percent of the total population, labour migrants from Tajikistan are predominantly men and mainly from rural areas. Families of labour migrants struggle to manage the farming work previously done by those who are away, they face inequities and are considered a vulnerable and marginalized group with poor economic resilience.
Cattle are the most common and widespread species of large ruminant livestock and are raised primarily for their milk, meat, and skin. To help increase efficiency, productivity, and sustainability of cattle production, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) organized a knowledge-exchange workshop for smallholders on 1-2 December in Budapest, Hungary. The objective of the event was to gather experts and sector representatives to share knowledge, skills, and successful initiatives, with a particular emphasis on cattle production.
To support agricultural actors maximizing the benefits of migration, while minimizing the costs for migrants and societies in general, specifically in rural areas, FAO is organizing a regional workshop on mainstreaming agriculture and rural development into migration governance and vice versa, starting today.
In the countries of Europe and Central Asia, about half of the population lives in rural territories, with those people who produce the food we eat among them. Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and addressing the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the impacts of the ongoing war in Ukraine on the Europe and Central Asia region, requires an increased attention to rural communities.
Sharing regional experiences and best practices on land consolidation, land banking, and land abandonment will be the focus of the 13th international LANDNET workshop. Targeting in particular countries of Europe and Central Asia, the event takes place in a hybrid format from 25–27 May in Skopje.

The qualified majority of the land owners in the village of Logovardi, located in Pelagonija, a region in the south-west of North Macedonia, adopted a plan on the re-allotment of agricultural land parcels in the Logovardi land consolidation project area.
The basis of agricultural production is land, and farmers need a properly functioning land market in order to make the most out of this precious asset. To this end, FAO convened Central Asian representatives of all related spheres in Bishkek to discuss the potentials of developing their national agricultural land markets.

FAO launched a new initiative in Bosnia and Herzegovina to help selected local authorities boost agriculture and economic development through local agriculture and rural development plans and corresponding action plans. The project builds on experiences
In the last two years, FAO and the European Union (EU) awarded a total amount of circa USD 5.1 million as a matching grant to the agricultural producers in Georgia. The grant support co-funds various capital investments in Georgia’s agriculture sector to
Rice is a strategic commodity within Macedonian agriculture production that has the potential for export and additional income for around 3 500 farming families in Kochani valley, the biggest rice production region in the country.
In many places across the globe, rural communities are shrinking. Unemployment and rural poverty are among the key drivers of migration by youth, who are often searching for a more dynamic quality of life in urban areas or abroad.
The process for developing national action plans on family farming in selected countries in Europe and Central Asia has begun with support from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The documents will provide a context-specifi

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(Kyrgyzstan), 14/01/2025 - 18/01/2025

Training for cooperatives from Naryn and Issyk-Kul regions to learn how to develop business plans using the RuralInvest toolkit. The RuralInvest toolkit offers users an interactive, hands-on path, going from theory to practice, to work together with the entrepreneurs and create feasible, appropriate, and sustainable business plans. Thus, beneficiaries in Kyrgyzstan will be equipped with knowled...

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Batken (Kyrgyzstan), 17/12/2024 - 19/12/2024

Within the framework of the project “Capacitated women civil society organizations sustaining peace in Kyrgyzstan”, so-called "Speed dating" sessions will be held in two rural areas of Batken district with the participation of national experts and local self-government bodies, local council deputies and residents.

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Bitola (North Macedonia), 19/09/2024

On 19 September 2024, FAO, in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Water Economy of North Macedonia, will launch the project “Support for Resolving Private-Public Co-ownership to Improve Agricultural Land Management and Land Tenure in the Pelagonija Region”, under the FAO Technical Cooperation Programme. The workshop, taking place in the Council Hall of the Municipality o...

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Middelburg (Netherlands), 05/06/2024 - 07/06/2024

The 15th LANDNET workshop will take place from 5 to 7 June 2024 in Middelburg, Netherlands. The workshop is organized by FAO together with Kadaster and the Province of Zeeland in the Netherlands.

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Virtual Event, 13/12/2023

FAO published the first 'Guidelines for land-use planning' in 1993 as the first key source of knowledge on land use planning. After 30 years, new challenges, demands and insights for integrated land use planning call for an update of these guidelines. In this context, FAO has been working on the new version of 'Guidelines for integrated land use planning - an update' in collaboration with key p...

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Budapest (Hungary), Hybrid Event, 29/11/2023 - 30/11/2023

To better coordinate the youth-related work and processes in the ECA region, under the Regional Priority Programme on Empowering smallholders, family farms and youth, facilitating rural livelihoods and poverty reduction, FAO organizes the Regional Rural Youth Forum for Europe and Central Asia.

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Virtual Event, 05/09/2023

Join us for the conversation on shaping food waste policy in Europe and Central Asia. Food waste has wide-ranging consequences, impacting resources, the environment, and social equity. At the World Food Forum, we are dedicated to reducing food waste globally. In response to its importance, our Europe and Central Asia team conducted a comprehensive analysis of food waste policy in the region, id...

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İstanbul (Türkiye), 05/09/2023 - 07/09/2023

The 14th international LANDNET workshop will take place from 5 to 7 September 2023 in Istanbul, Türkiye, organized by FAO in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Türkiye.

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Budapest (Hungary), Hybrid Event, 22/06/2022 - 24/06/2022

Based on country experiences, FAO aims at further developing the concept of integrated community development for Europe and Central Asia. FAO established an informal regional technical network on community development in 2019. The 2022 workshop should help revitalize the technical network and strengthen partnerships with key regional and national actors.

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Virtual Event, 18/05/2023

Join us for the “Digital Villages in Action in Europe and Central Asia” virtual event, where we will launch DVI actions in eight countries, bringing together policy actors, stakeholders, partners, and beneficiaries. The event will be held on Zoom on 18 May 2023, from 09.30 to 12.00 (CEST) with English-Russian interpretation.

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Virtual Event, 26/04/2023

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) is organizing a series of regional youth consultations on promoting youth engagement in agriculture and food systems in Europe and Central Asia.

Participants will discuss how to enlarge youth engagement in agricultural value chains in the region. The event will consider the benefits and gains that youth can bri...

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İstanbul (Türkiye), 23/01/2023 - 25/01/2023

Small-scale family farmers can be instrumental in elevating human rights in the food and agriculture sector – a key element in ensuring the sustainability of food security.

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Hybrid Event, 27/04/2022 - 28/04/2022

The workshop will gather representatives of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, as well as experts from the government, academia, civil society, and the private sector to share experience in land market management

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Budapest (Hungary), 06/06/2023 - 08/06/2023

Based on country experiences, FAO aims at further developing the concept of integrated community development for Europe and Central Asia. FAO established an informal regional technical network on community development in 2019.

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Hybrid Event, 24/06/2022

9:00 – 13:00 CEST In the framework of the 2nd Regional Workshop on integrated community development, FAO is organizing a regional dialogue on the United Nations Decade of Family Farming in Europe and Central Asia in a hybrid modality. The aim of the eve

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Hybrid Event, 14/09/2022

FAO and the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) are organizing a joint sessions during the 2022 FIG Congress with a special focus on the potential for multi-purpose land consolidation in countries of Eastern Europe.   The objective of the session