
Helping women fulfil potential in rural Ukraine can make agriculture sector more efficient

Georgia reaches out to agriculture community through first Olympiad competition

Female farmers to improve livelihoods with support of experienced peers

Integrating social protection and agriculture to improve diets in Kyrgyzstan

UN initiative helps farmers in Albania invest in local agricultural production

Cutting food waste while improving food security and environment in Ukraine

Project promotes agrotourism and digitalization for Albanian smallholder farms
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Training on RuralInvest toolkit (Kyrgyzstan)
(Kyrgyzstan), 14/01/2025 - 18/01/2025
Training for cooperatives from Naryn and Issyk-Kul regions to learn how to develop business plans using the RuralInvest toolkit. The RuralInvest toolkit offers users an interactive, hands-on path, going from theory to practice, to work together with the entrepreneurs and create feasible, appropriate, and sustainable business plans. Thus, beneficiaries in Kyrgyzstan will be equipped with knowled...
17/ 12
Speed dating consultations
Batken (Kyrgyzstan), 17/12/2024 - 19/12/2024
Within the framework of the project “Capacitated women civil society organizations sustaining peace in Kyrgyzstan”, so-called "Speed dating" sessions will be held in two rural areas of Batken district with the participation of national experts and local self-government bodies, local council deputies and residents.
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Workshop: Resolving private-public co-ownership to improve agricultural land management and land tenure in the Pelagonija Region
Bitola (North Macedonia), 19/09/2024
On 19 September 2024, FAO, in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Water Economy of North Macedonia, will launch the project “Support for Resolving Private-Public Co-ownership to Improve Agricultural Land Management and Land Tenure in the Pelagonija Region”, under the FAO Technical Cooperation Programme. The workshop, taking place in the Council Hall of the Municipality o...
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15th International LANDNET Workshop
Middelburg (Netherlands), 05/06/2024 - 07/06/2024
The 15th LANDNET workshop will take place from 5 to 7 June 2024 in Middelburg, Netherlands. The workshop is organized by FAO together with Kadaster and the Province of Zeeland in the Netherlands.
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Regional consultation on integrated land use planning
Virtual Event, 13/12/2023
FAO published the first 'Guidelines for land-use planning' in 1993 as the first key source of knowledge on land use planning. After 30 years, new challenges, demands and insights for integrated land use planning call for an update of these guidelines. In this context, FAO has been working on the new version of 'Guidelines for integrated land use planning - an update' in collaboration with key p...
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Regional Rural Youth Forum for Europe and Central Asia
Budapest (Hungary), Hybrid Event, 29/11/2023 - 30/11/2023
To better coordinate the youth-related work and processes in the ECA region, under the Regional Priority Programme on Empowering smallholders, family farms and youth, facilitating rural livelihoods and poverty reduction, FAO organizes the Regional Rural Youth Forum for Europe and Central Asia.
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Youth consultation: Take action and scale up initiatives to reduce food loss and waste
Virtual Event, 05/09/2023
Join us for the conversation on shaping food waste policy in Europe and Central Asia. Food waste has wide-ranging consequences, impacting resources, the environment, and social equity. At the World Food Forum, we are dedicated to reducing food waste globally. In response to its importance, our Europe and Central Asia team conducted a comprehensive analysis of food waste policy in the region, id...
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14th International LANDNET Workshop
İstanbul (Türkiye), 05/09/2023 - 07/09/2023
The 14th international LANDNET workshop will take place from 5 to 7 September 2023 in Istanbul, Türkiye, organized by FAO in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Türkiye.
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2nd Regional Workshop on integrated community development
Budapest (Hungary), Hybrid Event, 22/06/2022 - 24/06/2022
Based on country experiences, FAO aims at further developing the concept of integrated community development for Europe and Central Asia. FAO established an informal regional technical network on community development in 2019. The 2022 workshop should help revitalize the technical network and strengthen partnerships with key regional and national actors.
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Digital Villages in Action in Europe and Central Asia
Virtual Event, 18/05/2023
Join us for the “Digital Villages in Action in Europe and Central Asia” virtual event, where we will launch DVI actions in eight countries, bringing together policy actors, stakeholders, partners, and beneficiaries. The event will be held on Zoom on 18 May 2023, from 09.30 to 12.00 (CEST) with English-Russian interpretation.
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Promoting youth engagement in agriculture and food systems in Europe and Central Asia
Virtual Event, 26/04/2023
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) is organizing a series of regional youth consultations on promoting youth engagement in agriculture and food systems in Europe and Central Asia.
Participants will discuss how to enlarge youth engagement in agricultural value chains in the region. The event will consider the benefits and gains that youth can bri...
23/ 1
Training on the UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas
İstanbul (Türkiye), 23/01/2023 - 25/01/2023
Small-scale family farmers can be instrumental in elevating human rights in the food and agriculture sector – a key element in ensuring the sustainability of food security.
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Subregional workshop on land market development in Central Asia
Hybrid Event, 27/04/2022 - 28/04/2022
The workshop will gather representatives of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, as well as experts from the government, academia, civil society, and the private sector to share experience in land market management
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Third Regional workshop on integrated community development
Budapest (Hungary), 06/06/2023 - 08/06/2023
Based on country experiences, FAO aims at further developing the concept of integrated community development for Europe and Central Asia. FAO established an informal regional technical network on community development in 2019.
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Regional Dialogue on the United Nations Decade of Family Farming
Hybrid Event, 24/06/2022
9:00 – 13:00 CEST In the framework of the 2nd Regional Workshop on integrated community development, FAO is organizing a regional dialogue on the United Nations Decade of Family Farming in Europe and Central Asia in a hybrid modality. The aim of the eve
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Leveraging the potential of multi-purpose land consolidation in Eastern Europe
Hybrid Event, 14/09/2022
FAO and the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) are organizing a joint sessions during the 2022 FIG Congress with a special focus on the potential for multi-purpose land consolidation in countries of Eastern Europe. The objective of the session